The technologies that the founding management of Interplanetary Space Sciences (PSSCI) and its affiliate and partner companies provide a plethora of multi- disciplinary sciences, research, technology, engineering, and program/project support.

Over the last 7 years, the IPSSCI team has advanced its science and technology to research and support the space programs through the use of AI/AG/ML/DL/HMI for local and remote control of transport, communications, healthcare, medical diagnostics, forensic pathology. Our studies and R&D emphasis is to address the critical humans in space need to address and the of radiation mutation effects that cumulatively degenerate stem cells, tissue, cardiovascular, CNS, IOP/ICP.
In addition, we need to develop new protocols to inactivate radiation mutation of viral and bacterial (including thermal resistant spores) DNA. Nucleic acid in space. We have initiated an R&D project to develop a light weight, robust material solid state photo luminescent light sources for the LEO and beyond environs For this work. We have established a materials science program that advances our prior E-Beam Radiation Curing and hardening technology, diamond vapor deposition through a partner and the use of ERFD protocol that we have in-licensed.
Our experience developing and deploying HV/EHV and Pulse Power Technologies
US National Laboratories, Academic Research and Commercial Research Facilities
- High Voltage, EHV and Pulse Power for particle Physics accelerators (linear, synchrotron, colliding Beam),
- APPLICATION: Ion Source Injector, Fast Kicker Beam Bumper, 400-600KV Electrostatic Beam Separator, accelerating ring excitation modulators and vac-ion pump input.
- High Voltage, EHV and Pulse Power for Fusion Energy MCF/ICF
- LOCATION: Princeton (PPPL-TFTR, LLNL-MFTF-B TMX, ORNL-ORMAC, General Atomic Doublet II, III and OHTE, MIT-ALCATOR-C LANL-ANTARES and globally Culham-UK, Triumph-Canada, France, and Japan
- APPLICATION: Accelerating and Decelerating electrode excitation with PLC monitoring correction. Magnetron and 200GW modulators, Low inductance Energy Storage Pulse Power Capacitor Banks and Modulated Laser Pulse Power
- High Voltage, Pulse Power for Defense and Space Research
- APPLICATION: Low inductance Energy Storage Pulse Power Capacitor Banks for EMP, EML, NPB, Flash X-Ray
Current R & D Projects
Humans in Space Projects
Forensics in Space
Here, on Earth , there are multiple disciplines that are involved in determining the cause of death. They all affect the determination of cause and manner of death. These disciplines include the first emergency responders, death investigators, the detectives, the Prosecutor’s Office, the medical examiner/coroner and forensic pathologist.
The Osteoclast’s Impact in causing Osteoporosis in Micro-Gravity with Radiation
Interactive Behavioral Health Psychologist Persona for long term group missions
Behavioral health problems that occur while isolated can be caused by depression from being confined to a small space for long periods of time, as well as loss of connection with family or loved ones, and can result in changes in personality. These changes may cause a problem with group dynamics and subsequently a destruction of mission objective. It is also true that group interaction due to personality discordance or cultural reasons may be the primary cause for psychological problems.