Thais Russomano


An organized, detail-oriented, and conscientious self-starter, with more than 30 years of experience in Space Life Science, Aerospace Medicine, Biomedical Engineeringand Telehealth. An effective leader, skilled in motivating and enlisting the support of  colleagues and  team members in  alignment with  project and  organizational goals, demonstrated by the establishment and coordination of the Microgravity Centre, PUCRS, Brazil, an internationally recognized and pioneer Space Life Sciences Research Centre in Latin America.

Able to strategize and prioritize effectively to accomplish multiple tasks and work successfully in nationaland international scenarios. Understanding of the importance of academic/commercial collaboration and partnerships in developing innovative products and processes for the market. Skilled in academic course creation and delivery at community, graduate and postgraduate levels.

Current Positions Held

  • Founder & Director, InnovaSpaceLtd, UK
  • Scientific Director of Astrobionix, UK
  • Co-Founder, Director & Chief Medical Officer, International SpaceMedicineConsortium Inc., USA
  • Visiting Professor, Centre for Human and Applied Physiology (CHAPS), School of Basic & Medical Biosciences, Faculty of LifeSciences & Medicine, King’s College London
  • Affiliated Member of theKing’s Brazil-Institute
  • Visiting Professor at UFCSPA, Brazil
  • Professor, School of Medicine, Lisbon University, Portugal
  • Invited AssociateProfessor, Carol Davila University of Medicine & Pharmacy, Romania
  • Guest lecturer ViCCA Master’s Course teaching Space& Design module, Alto University, Finland
  • Guest lecturer at theMaster’s Course in Medical Informatics, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany
  • Consultant Skolkovo Foundation, Moscow, Russia
  • Member of the iB Hubs Global Mentor Community, eHealth projects, India
  • Brazilian representativefor the ISO/TC 20/SC 14/WG 6, Spacesystems and operations(Manned space flight)
  • Mentor of theSpace4Women, UNOOSA, UN (2019-2020)
  • International Academy of Astronautics, Board of Trustees & other scientific and educational committees


  • 30+ years experience in Aerospace Medicine, Human Physiology, Biomedical Engineering, Telemedicine & eHealth
  • Founded & Coordinated for 18 years the Microgravity Centre (MicroG), PUCRS, Brazil
  • Special interest & active participation in research/committees into Manned Space Flight and Space Tourism
  • Development of Microgravity/Hypogravity & Hypergravity simulation research projects
  • Development of a n international MicroG network of Space focused research teams
  • Educational Space lectures for the Brazilian Space Agency, Universities, Schools and general public
  • Biomedical research & development, project coordination, management & liaison
  • Inter-, multi-, transdisciplinary experience in developing and conducting national & international eHealth projects
  • Invited participant, Rockefeller Foundation sponsored National eHealth Policies conference, Bellagio 2008
  • Co-founder/Co-Coordinator of the Student Committee of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth
  • Peer reviewer for 5 scientific journals in the areas of Telemedicine, eHealth and Aerospace Sciences
  • Multidisciplinary teaching at both undergraduate& postgraduate level
  • Extensive supervision of PhD& MSc thesis and BSc final projects at PUCRS & King’s College London
  • Numerous publications in peer reviewed journals and Chapters in Books
  • Publication of 6 books in the areas of Astronomy, Space Life Sciences, & Aerospace Biomedical Engineering
  • Holder of 7 patents: Products and processes related to Space Life Sciences and Aerospace Biomedical Engineering Research areas include: telemedicine and eHealth projects; digital health, VR, AR and AI, microgravity, hypogravity and hypergravity simulations; parabolic flight campaigns with the European Space Agency; hyperbaric and hypobaric chamber studies; tests in human centrifuges, Barany’s chair, flight simulators, lower body positive pressure and negative pressure boxes, and positive pressure chambers, among others.
Educational Background
2006– 2007Post-Doctoral in Space Life Science, King’s College London, England, UK
2000– 2009

Visiting Research Fellow – Department of Aerospace Medicine and Human Applied Physiology, King’s

College London, UK

1994– 1998PhD in Respiratory SpacePhysiology, King’s College London, England, UK
1991– 1995MD in Emergency Rooms, Intensive Care Units and Ambulance Services, in thePorto Alegre region
1989– 1991Master’s Degree Program in Aerospace Medicine (GPA = 3.94/4.0), Wright State University, Ohio, USA
1985– 1989

Internal Medicine Residency Program, Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Chief Resident(1988)

and Senior Resident (1989) in Internal Medicine

1980– 1985School of Medicine of the Federal University of Pelotas, RS, Brazil

Research/Teaching & Employment Positions

  • 2020 –  Professor at the School of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal & Project Manager of CEMA
  • 2020 –  Invited professor at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
  • 2020 Visiting Senior Lecturer, CHAPS, King’s College, London
  • 2019 –  Professor (collaborator) UFCSPA & co-founder e coordinator of Space & Extreme Environment
    • Research Center, Brazil
  • 2018 –  Founder & Director, InnovaSpaceLtd, London UK
  • 2017 –  Guest Lecturer at Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany, delivering eHealth modules
  • 2016 – 2019  International RelationsDirector, HuSCO, Human Spaceflight Capitalization Office, London, UK
  • 2015 –  Co-Founder, Corporate Director & Chief Medical Officer, International Space Medicine Consortium Inc. (www.I
  • 2014 –  Scientific consultant, Skolkovo Foundation, Moscow, Russia
  • 2013 –  Guest Lecturer at Alto University, Finland delivering Space & Design modules
  • 2009 – 2009   Consultant – Wyle Laboratories GmbH, Cologne, Germany – Earlobe Arterialized Blood Collector Study
  • 2001 – 2017   Supervisor  –  MSc  Dissertations –  Biomedical  Engineering  Master’s Degree  Program, School of Engineering, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
  • 2009 – 2020   Deputy Course Director/Senior Lecturer, CHAPS, King’s College, London
  • 2000 – 2009    Visiting Research Fellow – Department of Aerospace Medicine and Human Applied Physiology, King’s College London
  • 1999 – 2017   Coordinator of theMicrogravity Centre, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
  • 1998 – 2017  Professor – Biomedical Engineering Master’s DegreeProgram – School of Electrical Engineering, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
  • 1998 – 2017          Professor – Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
  • 1998 – 2017    Professor – Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
  • 1997 –   Guest Scientist – Institute of Aerospace Medicine, German Space Agency – DLR, Cologne, Germany
  • 1993 – 1998   Assistant Professor – Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Some Projects Developed Under My Coordination

  • Development and Validation of:
  • First all-Brazilian Heart Defibrillator; Normobaric Hypoxia Chamber; Lower Body Negative Pressure Box and Lower Body Positive Pressure Box; Human Powered Small Centrifuge; Small centrifuge for the study of effects of hyperG on plants; Tilt Table for Microgravity Simulation; Earlobe Blood Collector for use in Microgravity; 3D Clinostat for the Study of Cells in Microgravity Simulation; Barany’s Chair for the Study of the Vestibular System; Small hypobaric chamber to study the effects of pressure changes on medication; Individual portable dark chambers for pilot education/training.
  • Hypergravity simulation – Small centrifuge for plants and cells & human powered centrifuge for human studies and training
  • Evaluation of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Procedures in Microgravity (Parabolic Flight) and Hypogravity simulation
  • Tele-transmission of surgical procedures
  • Tele-education via international video conferences
  • Tele-medical assistance  to  remote areas including projects in:  Tele-ECG,  Tele-dermatology,  Tele-pathology, Tele- odontology, Tele-toxicology, Tele-nutrition, Tele-pharmacy, Tele-physiotherapy, Tele-psychiatry and Tele-radiology
  • eHealth for primary care attention
  • eHealth for Indian tribes in the Amazon, Brazil